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As Shown

15 lily + 8 rose + leaf

Apox. 55x60 cm high


❤️Free message card

❤️We provide delivery service

🌸Sales of any goods and services are subject to availability. Please note that the photos shown are taken for optimal viewing purposes. While we always strive to make photos and descriptions of items as accurate as possible, if an item listed in the description is out of stock or unavailable at the time of ordering. Any goods and services are subject to availability. While we always strive to have photos and descriptions of items as accurate as possible, reserves the right to substitute any item included in a product with an item of the same type of equal or greater value if the item listed in the description was the one listed at the time of ordering Out of stock or unavailable.

🌸Please read the terms and conditions and delivery guide before ordering



15 百合 + 8玫瑰 + 叶子

大概 55 X 60cm high



🌸任何商品和服務的銷售均視供應情況而定。 請注意,顯示的照片是為了最佳觀看目的而拍攝的。 儘管我們始終努力使物品的照片和描述盡可能準確,但如果描述中列出的物品是 訂購時缺貨或不可用。任何商品和服务均视供应情况而定。 虽然我们始终努力使物品的照片和描述尽可能准确,但 保留将产品中包含的任何物品替换为同等或更高价值的相同类型物品的权利,如果描述中列出的物品是 订购时缺货或不可用。




    We encourage you to place your order online for the fastest possible service, but if you prefer, please feel free to call in your order. You can reach us at WHATSAPP 016654 2888 

    Shortly after you place an order, youll receive an Order Confirmation e-mail. Please put this in a safe place, as it will include all the details of your order, including an order number, in the event you need to contact us. To show our appreciation, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from us when your gift has been received.

    • ​Package purchased (code)
    • Your Name

    • Your contact number

    • Add-ons (if any )

    •  Preferred delivery date and time

    • Message on card  (if required) 

    • Name of sender and contact number
    • Name of recipient and contact number

    • Address for delivery

    Delivery Information

    Delivery is available

     7 days a week (excluding Labour Day and Chinese New Year)



    我们鼓励您在线下订单以获得最快的服务,但如果您愿意,请随时致电订购。您可以通过 WHATSAPP 联系我们 016654 2888


    • ​购买的花束(代码)
    • 你的名字
    • 您的联系电话
    • 附加组件(如果有)
    • 首选交货日期和时间
    • 卡片上的留言(如果需要)
    • 发件人姓名和联系电话
    • 收件人姓名及联系电话
    • 送货地址



    每周 7 天(不包括劳动节和农历新年)

錨點 1
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