As Shown ❤️Free message card ❤️We provide delivery service 🌸The sale of any goods and services are subject to availability. While we always endeavour to keep photography and descriptions of items as accurate as possible, reserves the right to substitute any items included in the product for items of equal or greater value and of the same type, if those listed in the descriptions are out of stock or unavailable at the time of ordering. 🌸Please read the terms & condition and delivery guide before ordering ________________________________________ 如图 ❤️免费留言卡 ❤️我们提供外送服务 🌸任何商品和服务均视供应情况而定。 虽然我们始终努力使物品的照片和描述尽可能准确,但 保留将产品中包含的任何物品替换为同等或更高价值的相同类型物品的权利,如果描述中列出的物品是 订购时缺货或不可用。 🌸请在订购前阅读条款和条件以及送货指南
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